In Closed Group Performance, you will be able to view the report of the certain groups like, Nursery or Finishing.

This procedure allows users to make several analysis within the selected period, without having to perform multiple reports.

To access the Nursery report of closed groups performance you can go to: Management > Nursery > Analysis Center > Closed Group Performance

If you'd like to analyze the Finishing report, you can go to: Management > Finishing > Analysis Center > Closed Group Performance

➡ It is mandatory for the user to inform the period or groups.

1. If the period is informed, the report will present the performance of all the groups that were close from the selected period.

2. If the period and tags are informed, the report will present the performance of all groups  that were close from the selected period which also associated with at least one of the informed tags.

3. If the closed groups are informed, the report will present the performance of all the informed groups.

- If there are no closed groups in the period, the report must display the information that there is no record to be shown.


For some indexes, it will be informed through the red or green color, if it is below the target or equal/above the target:

In MORTALITY and FCR, it changes when the index is above or below/equal to the target:

In FEED INTAKE PER PIG, the color changes too:

Below you will know a little more about the indexes shown and also how the calculations are made.

Closed groups: Number of groups closed in the stage, which meet the requested filter.

Average Days in Stage: Shows the average number of days that the piglets of the analyzed groups stayed in the stage. For more information about the formula, CLICK HERE

Mortality: Shows the percentage of piglet mortality in the analyzed groups. It will also show if the calculated mortality % is above, below or equal to the target. For more information about the formula, CLICK HERE

ADG: It should display the average daily weight gain of piglets in the analyzed groups. It will indicate whether the calculated value is above or below the target. For more information about the formula, CLICK HERE

Weight Gain: Weight gain of piglets in the analyzed groups. It should indicate whether the calculated value is above or below the target. For more information about the formula, CLICK HERE

PEI: Calculated value of the Productive Efficiency Index. It must indicate whether the calculated value is above, below or equal to the target. For more information about the formula, CLICK HERE

Exit Adjusted Weight: It should display the adjusted weight projection for the piglets of the analyzed groups, based on the average exit weight. For more information about the formula, CLICK HERE

FCR: Feed conversion rate of the analyzed groups. It must indicate whether the calculation value is above, below or equal to the target. For more information about the formula, CLICK HERE

ADJ FCR: Adjusted feed conversion rate of the analyzed groups. For more information about the formula, CLICK HERE

Feed Intake Per PIG: Total feed consumption per animal. For more information about the formula, CLICK HERE

Average Daily Feed Intake: Daily feed intake per piglet in the groups. For more information about the formula, CLICK HERE