Currently, feed represents about 70% of poultry production costs. Therefore, it is important to monitor the feed stock and intake. In addition, the correct evaluation of feed intake can help in identifying problems in flocks with low intake or high feed conversion. Agriness P4, allows you to monitor feed reception and stock, assisting in this process.

Accessing the feed intake section

To enter your feed data in the app, first access the Feed Intake section of the aviary in which you would like to insert the data.

By clicking on this section, you will be taken to the Add tab , where you can enter the feed intake data.

Adding feed intake

To add feed intake in the app just fill in the following data:

1- Date and time: Select the date and time or age at which the birds started to consume feed in the selected aviary (differently from the date on which the feed was received).

2- Type of feed: Select the type of feed that the birds started to consume on the selected date.

3- Amount of feed: Record the amount of feed received in kilos.

After checking that all information has been entered correctly, confirm your feed intake data in "Add". Thus, your entry will be confirmed by the system.

Data Entry Section

In the Data Entry section, you will be able to view all the feed intake data entered by you for the selected aviary:

1- Feed intake start date

2- Type of feed 

3- Amount of feed received

In addition, this section will present a feed intake follow-up graph for each age entered in the application.

Deliveries Section

In the Deliveries section, you will be able to check all feed deliveries that were made on your farm (without differentiating between poultry houses).

Therefore, if you have more than one chicken house, this section will present feed deliveries from all of them together.

This section is automatically fed by the system.

If you have any questions, please consult our relationship team by chatting on this screen or via:

[email protected]

+55 48 3028-0015

+55 48 9101-4766 (chat only)