In order to set how you want to print sow card, you can access:

Management > Breeding Herd > Analysis Center > Sow Card

Click on the setting icon right next to the printer icon:

When opening, the first step is to fill in the general settings of the sow card. On this screen, you can select the option to print two cards per sheet, and how many cycles you want to see in the printed version (minimum 3 and maximum 6) and the desired printing options, which are:

  • only Record;
  • only collection form;
  • record and collection form; 
  • record and space record next event.

See below the listed DOCUMENT CONTENT, with options for setting the sow information in each event that happens with it in the farm. In this screen, you will be able to set which options you want to show on printed sow card of the sow information, matings, farrowing, weaning and show predicted event data for pregnant sows.

In the option “Sow information” you can HIGHLIGHT two information that you want to appear in larger letters once you print the card. One of the examples below is the highlight of the “situation” and “cycle” of the sow.

Remember: always use the SAVE EDITIONS option, in order to keep your preferences saved.