Weight is an important indicator in broiler production because it can show nutrition, management and ambience problems or even diseases in the flock, such as Samonellose and Coccidiosis.
On broiler production, birds weight is usually recorded every 7 days, totaling an average of 8 to 9 weighings per flock from placement to harvest. However, it is up to the producer how much weighings he wants to do to monitor the development of the birds throughout the flock.
The weighing procedure consists of collecting the weight of some birds at different aviary points, to ensure a good sampling, since it is common to find birds of different weights distributed throughout the house. After weighing, the average flock weight is calculated and recorded on the flock sheet.
To assist in this process, Agriness P4 provides the Weight function, which allows the automatic calculation of birds average weight.
![]() | The Weight section will always show the current average flock weight according to the data entered, which at this example is 2.927 g. To enter your aviary's weighing data, just click on this section and you will be directed to the Add section. |
![]() | In this section, you can enter all your weighing data so that the application can automatically calculate the average flock weight. Simulating a weighing: 1- Select the date and time of weighing or the flock age. 2- Number of birds: Insert how many birds were weighed 3- Add scale tare: If you use a bag / box for weighing birds, the application allows you to discount its weight. The weight of the bag / box to be discounted is called scale tare. 4- Total weight: Insert the total weighing weight of all birds. In this example, ten 6-day-old chicks were weighed. The total weight of these 10 chicks was 1800g. Thus, the average weight calculated by the application was 180g. 5- After entering this data, click on add, so the data for this weighing will be added to the Entry tab. As weighings are made at different points in the chicken house, you are able add as many weighings as you want. Simply enter the data again for each weighing point. |
Current, predicted and expected weight
At the Data Entry section, you will find a graph with all the weight records done during the flock. In this graph you can check the following information: Current weight, Predicted weight and Expected weight.
Current Weight: Informs the average weight of the current flock according to the data entered in the application.
Projected Weight: Reports a target weight based on lineage, sex, history of previous flocks in the aviary and weight data entered during the flock. Therefore, the projected weight is updated each time a new weight is entered in the application.
Expected Weight: Informs a target weight based on the same information as the projected weight (lineage, sex and history of previous flocks in the aviary), however it does not take into account the weight data entered during the flock. Therefore, the expected weight does not change over the flock course.
Also at the Data Entry section, it is possible to observe all weighings done at the selected age:
![]() | In this example, 3 weighings were made: With 10, 20 and 30 birds, at 7 days, at 3 different points in the aviary. According to the average weights generated by the application in the 3 weighings, an average flock weight of 180g was obtained (highlighted). This is the weight that should be registered on the flock sheet. |
![]() | If you need to delete any weighing data, just press the screen over the data you want to delete and confirm the deletion. |
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